Marjorie—our new Van Raam Chat!

Marjorie—our new Van Raam Chat!

What we do

Cycling Without Age spreads joy and happiness among our elderly and less-abled by giving them the opportunity to be active members of our community while cultivating relationships with others through bicycle rides.   

We do that by giving them the right to feel wind in their hair, the right to experience the city and nature close up from the bicycle, and by giving them an opportunity to tell their story in the environment where they have lived their lives. Doing so builds bridges between generations and we reinforce trust, respect, and the social glue in our society. Cycling Without Age gives free bike rides to the elderly and less-abled through the use of a trishaw, an electric-assist bicycle with a bench seat on front. 

How we do it

Cycling Without Age of Shelby County provides free bike rides to the elderly and less-abled who cannot ride alone in three different ways:

  • Regularly scheduled rides at local assisted living Centers

  • Specially scheduled rides with businesses and organizations serving the elderly or less-abled.

  • Open rides available to the public for the elderly and less-abled and their companions.

For more information on volunteering or scheduling a ride, contact us.


Why Shelby County?

  • To serve our senior and less-abled populations and to give them the opportunity to get outside, experience nature, and join in activities with more members of our community.

  • To connect volunteers with our elderly and our citizens with disabilities, providing the opportunity for new and beneficial relationships for all involved.

  • To take advantage of the amazing bike-friendly trails we already have and are continuing to develop around our city.

  • To get more people out on bikes to be able to

    not only experience the mental and physical benefits of a bike ride, but the beauty of our community as well.

  • To increase the awareness and receptivity of Shelby County to all cyclists, thereby improving rider safety.

Our guiding principles

Generosity: Cycling Without Age is based on generosity and kindness. It starts with the obvious generous act of taking one or two elderly or less-abled people out on a bike ride. It’s a simple act that everyone can do.

Slowness: Slowness allows you to sense the environment, be present in the moment and it allows people you meet along the way to be curious and gain knowledge about Cycling Without Age because you make time to stop and talk.

Storytelling: Older adults have so many stories that will be forgotten if we don’t reach out and listen to them. We tell stories, we listen to stories on the bike and we also document the stories when we share them via word of mouth or on social media.

Relationships: Cycling Without Age is about creating a multitude of new relationships: between generations, among older adults, between pilots and passengers, care home employees and family members. Relationships build trust, happiness and quality of life.

Without Age: Life unfolds at all ages, young and old, and can be thrilling, fun, sad, beautiful and meaningful. Cycling Without Age is about letting people age in a positive context – fully aware of the opportunities that lie ahead when interacting in their local community.