




My grandpa loved being out in the fresh air and the countryside. He was so peaceful when he was absorbed by Nature. He felt more alive and a part of something bigger than his faculties. That feeling makes me think of Serenity.




This bike is dedicated to Emily for her determination, grit, dedication, and her spirit to exercise.

—Larry and Susan



My favorite memories of my childhood were riding my bike around our small town in the late 50s and early 60s. We seemed to have an endless baseball game going. Both my paternal and maternal families were Cub fans. Now I play baseball with my grandchildren though it seems my family spends more time criticizing our beloved Cubs than cheering. I still ride a single speed bike with coaster brakes and feel that glorious freedom from childhood.




My wonderful grandma was named, “Audrey.” I learned so much from her. When I was about 12 and she was a new widow at 62, we rode our bikes to her house. I asked if she wanted to ride and she said, “yes.” She got on and promptly fell over. She got on again and fell again. When we asked if she knew how to ride a bike she said, “Well, I never have, but I always wanted to.” She would have loved the trike!






Mary Jo

This bike is named in honor of (and was gently used by) a most wonderful, inspirational, loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She was most known for her head back, contagious laughter that always filled the entire room. Our hope is whoever rides the bike will feel some of that joy, throw their head back, and laugh out loud!


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Frances was my grandmother. She gave great hugs, loved to read to us, and made the best meatballs with mashed potatoes. I always enjoyed the story she would tell about riding her bike on the County Farm Road from Warsaw, IN to Claypool, IN when she worked for the telephone company. She passed away at the age of 94 in 2015. I would have loved the opportunity to have given her on a ride on a trishaw.
